Pixel Plus HD
Pixel Plus HD offers the unique combination of ultimate sharpness, natural detail, vivid colors and smooth natural motion on all qualities of HD, standard TV signals and multimedia content, for high definition displays. Artifacts and noise in all sources from multimedia to standard TV and also in highly compressed HD are detected and reduced ensuring that the picture is clear and razor sharp.
100Hz LCD, 2ms response time
100Hz LCD creates extreme motion sharpness for clear and vibrant images even with fast on-screen motion. It increases the sharpness of motion reproduction to more than twice that of conventional LCD, resulting in a performance with a response time of 2 milliseconds (measured in Perceived Blur-Edge-Width; BEW). This unique Philips technology brings motion sharpness of LCD displays to an unprecedented level.
HD Natural Motion
Philips invented HD Natural Motion to minimize juddering effects that are visible with movie based picture content. The award winning algorithm estimates motion in the picture and corrects juddering movements in both broadcast and recorded movie material (such as DVD and Blu-ray Disc). The resulting smooth motion reproduction and excellent sharpness take the viewing experience to a higher level.
2.1 sound system 40 W*
Virtual 2.1 speaker system for an incredible 40W sound (2x10W + 20W Virtual Power*). *This virtual 2.1 speaker system manages power intelligently to deliver twice the original power supplied and produces an excellent bass. Enjoy the purity and detailed sound with the additional dome tweeter which delivers uncompromised sound in a slim invisible speaker design.
Clear Sound
Critical moments in a movie or your favorite show are too often missed. Clear Sound is an innovative audio technology that significantly increases the intelligibility of vocalizations, whether spoken or sang. It ensures you hear every word, so you can enjoy what you're watching to the fullest.
3 HDMI inputs with Easylink
HDMI is a single cable to carry both picture and audio signals from your devices to your TV, saving you from cable clutter. It carries uncompressed signals, ensuring that you have the highest quality from source to screen. Together with Philips Easylink, you need only one remote control to perform most operations on your TV, DVD, BluRay, set top box or home theatre system. Enjoy high quality picture and sound without clutter or fuss.
USB (multimedia)
The USB connector allows access to jpeg photos, mp3 music and video files of most USB-sticks (USB memory-class device). Plug the USB into the slot at the side of the TV and access the multimedia content using the easy on screen content browser. You can now view and share your videos, photos and music.
PC input (VGA)
With PC input you can connect your TV to a computer by a VGA cable and use the TV as a PC monitor.
Integrated DVB tuner MPEG-4
The integrated digital tuner lets you receive digital cable and terrestrial TV without an additional set top box. Enjoy quality TV clutter free.
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